Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF SIMS) is an established, multifaceted and reliable method for a clear and highly sensitive identification of the atomic and molecular composition of the outermost 1-3 monolayer of a material. The sensitivity of the method is even higher than for XPS. Another strength of the method is the precise spatial resolution. Again solid as well as powder samples of any material can be investigated.
Charged particles (ions) are fired at the surface. The emitted secondary ions are identified through their mass with a Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer to give information about the chemical property of the sample. With ToF SIMS imaging chemical maps with 200 nm lateral resolution can be established. Also 3D reconstruction of samples to depths of 1 µm are possible by ToF SIMS sputter depth profiling.
Benefits of this analyzing technique
- Qualitative analysis of the molecular surface composition
- Extremely high detection sensitivity (concentration of 10 ppm of a monolayer) of all elements and compounds
- Ideal for chemical mapping of structures as small as 200 nm
- Possibility to generate depth profiles up to 1 µm
Materials and Dimensions
- Solid material (e.g. metal, ceramic, glass or plastic)
- Powder, textile and structured surfaces
- Conductive and isolating substrates
- Size of solid materials: 10 mm x 10 mm
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