Dr. Samuele Tosatti (1975)

Founder, CEO and Board Member

PhD, Dr. Sci. ETH


Scientific papers published in peer-reviewed journals: 43

Co-inventor of patent applications: 5

Co-author of book chapters: 1


  • Since 2014: Board Member of SuSoS
  • Since 2013: Board Member of “innovative surfaces”, a national thematic network
  • Since 2012: Board Member of MNCB (Micro and Nanotechnology Center Euregio Bodensee)
  • Since 2004: CEO of SurfaceSolutionS GmbH and then SuSoS (since 2007)
  • 2003: Post-doctoral fellow ETH, leading the biomedical team (Bio-Interface Group of Prof. M Textor); Supervision of PhD students, teaching of undergraduates
  • 2003: PhD at the Laboratory of Surface Science and Technology ETH (Silver-Medal Award)
  • 1999: Werkstoffingenieur ETH